2013年11月12日 星期二

Labrador, QLD 2415

                                          "Changing of Seasons"

I am gonna move to Labrador in Gold Coast tomorrow (13/11/2013); and these couple days it rains in the afternoon or sometimes at night with lightening and thunder.  After the rain, it's very humid and sort of like the weather in Taiwan. Well...it's going to be summer time in Australia. Ha...the summer storm always reminds me of the first time I catch up with Mitch at his flat; he helped me to trim the back part of my hair; I had it cut myself with a clipper like being bitten by a dog and he helped me to make it better. "My your hair" - it's my hair, but you have it cut; you designed its shape and style. On that day you told me that my hair is SO black. I said, "Because I am Asian." Mitch replied, "Of course! I know you are Asian. I just think it's amazing...." What I didn't tell you is that....when we are growing old, they are all the same, my hair and your hair, all gray! (And then will you still think I, an Asian, am exotic for you?) Anyway, it will be really hard for us to meet up again after I leave Australia next year. You were born in 1982 and I was in 1981; we are the same age group. It's really a long time that I didn't meet my age group.

Honestly I don't want to leave Brisbane city because you are here. Though I know that we are not aligned together; you just want a mate and date right now after you just broke up with your ex and I prefer to go further from friendship to become couples. It hurts me most is that you told me that I am not the type usually you will be fond of, but why you flirt with me if you just think our friendship basically is like a mate or a friend. Well...it's some sick relationship whatever what kind it is! I'd better stop it in case of hurting myself. I will get it over! I am working and on holidays here; as a traveler and a  migrant worker my status is uncertain and unstable. What can I expect or look for? Enjoy this moment is what I can do, but I am just greedy and I want the relationship more than just like the dew in the morning - momentary and transient. I got sick of passing through like pedestrians and strangers. But let me go cold turkey 'casue I have to get it over. And I will forget you! It's a must!
