第一次認識莫子儀,是因為國中(或高中)時在電視上看到他在《野麻雀》的演出,他在戲裡扮演一位怪怪的少年,令人驚奇的是他詮釋地很好……,我不知道那時我會喜歡《野麻雀》是因為喜歡那位怪怪少年的個性或是喜歡莫子儀的氣質神情,the actor matches the weird boy's characteristics. It seems that Mo is born to act this role.
And the first drama performance I watched was the Valkyrie. It's played in Hua-Shan Culture Park and I was totally fascinated by the magic of stage of drama. Valkyrie was played as the costume drama, but with the form of little avant-garde. Their costumes were fantastic and the spectators were very close to the performers. And Mo played one of the roles in Valkyrie. That's a beginning I started to watch the drama performance.
Target Shorthand
01. 勘誤表
02. 自製男人
03. 在,我的秘密基地
04. 人造天堂,波xxx
05. 舊歐洲、新歐洲、核心歐洲
06. 燦爛時光,凌xx
07. volver
08. vitus
09. 單車上路
10. dreamgirls (10/26)
11. 最遙遠的距離
12. 吶喊竇娥(11/11) ****
13. nada surf—karmic
14. radiohead—in rainbows