2016年5月29日 星期日

Screw up

Once again screwed up an exam for Yilan Senior High School. So frustrated! A lovely place, Yilan, and I do love to settle down here. 

2016年5月27日 星期五


有時後那景緻太美,你捨不得閉眼,因為害怕ㄧ睜開眼,那最美的瞬間已如海市蜃樓氤醞無蹤。須臾即永恆,我們企圖以感官與知覺凝結時間,但那是類比訊號,因此記憶只能不斷在永恆的向度裡褪色與質變。有時那景緻太美,你捨不得閉眼,因為害怕ㄧ睜開眼,景物依舊你卻老了。永恆即須臾,再多的SK II與拉皮手術都只是自欺欺人,當屁孩說老了,世界就真的老了。

2016年5月3日 星期二

New Beitou

A shuttle train from New Beitou to Beitou mostly the passangers are senior high school students with their stinky sweat; I bet those boys' bodies must taste salty. 

Doing the exam in the classroom, the 2B pencil in the drawer is always somewat invisible like being lost in the black hole when you just need it to mark your answer sheet.