2015年12月25日 星期五



人蔘呀~我今天的聖誕節註定困在冷冷的新竹,釘在書桌前了!然後,FB傳來兩年前的回憶通知,那時在Gold coast當救生員,曬得黑不拉雞的,耶誕節那天上班,但因為我不是基督徒,所以耶誕節其實還蠻無感的,而快樂的是在嚴熱的那天下班後,一個人嗑掉一盒冰淇淋!

Go big or go home!? 以退為進,蹲苦窯的人生何時結束呢?拜託老天看在我這半年很認真的份上,許我個璀燦的未來三年吧!再半年,讓我從一個小孬孬/肉腳,褪變成羽翼漸豐的鷹鳥!

2015年12月23日 星期三

The power of procrastination

The power of procrastination is sonetimes unbelievable! I was a freshman  in 2000 and had a textbook for building up the quantity of vocabulary. The book should be finished reading when I was a freshman; however, it takes me fifteen years to finish it. The book has travelled with me to many cities and Australia; I was trying to seize time to memorize the vocabulary inside, but I just made some progress. Finally, I finished reading it today. It is like an overlasting soap opera that should be terminated for its lack of excitements and surprises. A book has been read for fifteen years! Procrastination is the thief of time. I made so much of me be stolen. And finally I got the lesson-- what I tried to avoid from, it will come back to hunt me again.