2015年12月25日 星期五



人蔘呀~我今天的聖誕節註定困在冷冷的新竹,釘在書桌前了!然後,FB傳來兩年前的回憶通知,那時在Gold coast當救生員,曬得黑不拉雞的,耶誕節那天上班,但因為我不是基督徒,所以耶誕節其實還蠻無感的,而快樂的是在嚴熱的那天下班後,一個人嗑掉一盒冰淇淋!

Go big or go home!? 以退為進,蹲苦窯的人生何時結束呢?拜託老天看在我這半年很認真的份上,許我個璀燦的未來三年吧!再半年,讓我從一個小孬孬/肉腳,褪變成羽翼漸豐的鷹鳥!

2015年12月23日 星期三

The power of procrastination

The power of procrastination is sonetimes unbelievable! I was a freshman  in 2000 and had a textbook for building up the quantity of vocabulary. The book should be finished reading when I was a freshman; however, it takes me fifteen years to finish it. The book has travelled with me to many cities and Australia; I was trying to seize time to memorize the vocabulary inside, but I just made some progress. Finally, I finished reading it today. It is like an overlasting soap opera that should be terminated for its lack of excitements and surprises. A book has been read for fifteen years! Procrastination is the thief of time. I made so much of me be stolen. And finally I got the lesson-- what I tried to avoid from, it will come back to hunt me again.

2015年11月28日 星期六

Myth of masculinity

It's hard to distinguish the nuance between a gay on jackd and a dog in heat.

My suggestion is... spare your muscle to save your brain if you cannot have both of them. Muscle doesn't talk, nor does your cock. If they do, they are speaking the drama of acting masculinity; however under is not amour, but a sweet girl with inferiority complex.

2015年8月28日 星期五

Turtle speed

Fingers slide on my smartphone viewing friends on Facebook who are studying or gonna study abroad for PhD. It doesn't help to achieve my dream, but envy them. That's they study abroad, not me. I'm the same grounded here going nowhere.

Shout down your facebook and other apps!!! Awake!!!

2015年8月13日 星期四


Is it possible for me to go back to the academic parthenon agagin?

A rusty mind needs polishing.

2015年5月24日 星期日


Author: Tsui-Ling



想起去年夏天讀Oakeshott的On Human Conduct一書,
就說所有研究政治的社學科學如political science都是pseudo-science,


Man is what he reads,

In response, Voegelin wrote that studying Popper's views was a waste of precious time, and "an annoyance". Specifically about "The Open Society and Its Enemies" and Popper's understanding of Plato's "The Republic", after giving some examples, Voegelin wrote:
"Popper is philosophically so uncultured, so fully a primitive ideological brawler, that he is not able even approximately to reproduce correctly the contents of one page of Plato. Reading is of no use to him; he is too lacking in knowledge to understand what the author says."
不知道究竟何時才有機會一覽Order and History套書,

2015年5月8日 星期五


+ electronica
- Firestone, kygo
- Sun goes down, Robin Schulz
- Style, Taylor Swift

2015年5月5日 星期二

Camera Obscura

Camera Obscura
- Keep it clean
- French navy
- Honey in the sun

Les baricades mistérieuses


Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell me if you understand.
Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
Who stretched a measuring line across it?
On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone—
while the morning stars sang together and all the songs of God shouted for joy?
from Job 38:4

2015年4月26日 星期日


1 點眼液ketotifen 0.025%
    Zadien eye drops 5ml/bottle
2 Rinderom- A 5ml/bottle
    (臨得隆)keep in the fridge
3 四環素眼藥膏5gm
   (teltracyline hcl 1%/tu)

skin allergy
1. HydrOXYzin 25 mg
    (Vistaril cap 25 mg)
2 Fexofenadine hcl 60 mg
    (Alegra fc tab 60mg)

2014 Korean Pops

1. Kiss Kiss - Ladies' Code
2. This ugly man cries
3. Oppa you're mine - Tahiti
4. Catallena - Orange Caramel
5. 200% - Akong Musician
6. I'm different
7. Touch my body
9. My serenade - Jace
10. Something - Girl's Day
11. Coming soon - NC A
12. Green nocture - Nell

2015年4月24日 星期五

Food allergy!?

I just got the second injection in my life for some kind of food allergy, but I have no idea what causes the allergy. Two things doutable, one is the peanut butter and the other is the fish roe. But most Asians don't have allergy for peanut butter. I just know I can't eat shrimps. So sore on my left upper arm after the injection.

2015年4月20日 星期一


+ I do wanna return back to the Chinese  literature for a while and read some books I do like; my Chinese is getting worse~ WTF

+ After I finished running and taking a shower in the male shower room, a cute dude suddenly appeared - a nice chest and slim waist in good balance. Well...amazing! We go to
gym to build up a body shape we dream, but the gene has done a lot to us; and we just try to refine it. But well...who knows how much we can do to transform it?! Btw, it writes an 'S' on the dude's T-shirt. Yeah, a narcissistic superman!

2015年4月8日 星期三


天菜果真是天菜,在Jack'd上常follow的天菜,今天在游泳池見到本人,10萬伏特的電力差點電爆我,還好本人練就ㄧ身take it for granted的功力,表面上的與內心防衛機轉上的;還好天菜沒有看我一眼,不然可能真的馬上ko我!

2015年4月3日 星期五


The scary thing is that reading is intellectually funnier than talking to you; running alone is more enjoyable 'cause you cannot achieve my speed. What a cynical bogot I am. And you can only make yourslef charming by being an antagolist.

2015年4月1日 星期三


1. The new tenant on the ground floor is a good-looking guy; I meant he's not really handsome, but straight acting (surely, he is straight), tall and tight build. That's definitely my type. Though the ex-tenant was absolutely a handsome dude, but he's also bad tempered.

2. What will be my future? Well...being a teacher in a junior high school is not my first goal in my life; it's just a temporary position and status for me. I wanna carry on my further study, but it won't be in Taiwan. But I have no money to study abroad. How to tackle this problem? Time after time, I'm getting old and no time for me to waste. 

2015年2月14日 星期六

Head back to Taiwan from Seoul

Finally it's a period of my Seoul trip. I do miss Taiwan; it's really too cold and dry for me to visit Seoul in the winter. The only thing I gotta to come here in winter is for skiing.

Hmm the infrastructure in Seoul is pretty refined. I think only Japan is better than Seoul in the great Asian area. 

2015年2月7日 星期六

First Day in Seoul

I was blocked in the Incheon Int'l Airport, extremely fatigue and sleepy. The reason why I am still in the airport is the busy immigration and the temporarily close bank exchange service; anyway, I missed the last train to Seoul Station. Consequently, I have to wait for the subway service at 5.23am. Yeah, I am a fucking poor budget traveller and wanna save some money; the fare of night cab to the city is too expensive for a solo tourist. The worse is that all my trip schedule probably needs rearranging 'cause I am so tired now and just wanna get to the hostel I booked in Itaewon for a sleep Orz. My cough is not compeletly recovered and worried that it's gonna be worse for the insufficient rest. Hmm...the gentle morning comes earlier, please. QQ