2009年8月30日 星期日

be brave

Two sides of world I build, I set up...one day it will become one. No more white lies or frilly disguise are needed. Buddy, it's always me, the guy, u r familiar with, except my sexual orientation. The str8 world, ur law and ur rules don't exactly belong to me or put me into ur consideration, but i ain't trying to reject or destroy all of them 'cause the "myth" has its value(though it's also the source of oppression). Anyway, too many questions/problems of ethics that we as human being cannot handle with, so we bury them into myth.

Foucault, 'To be "gay," I think, is not to identify with the psychological traits and the visible masks of the homosexual, but to try to define and develop a way of life.' Identitfication is always a tricky game about politics. What is gayness? It depends on how "we" shape ourselves to distinguish us from the str8 and "their" value. But the interesting question is if we really need to do it? the ans might change over time. And surely i will tell u the different answers according to ur sexuality. As I said it's about politics; it's always a tricky game.